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You are required to write a short reflective report covering the content in the first three
weeks, that is, all of module one and the first half of module two. More specifically:
? Module 1.1 – The nature of organisations, the role of management and challenges
? Module 1.2 – Motivation, influence and power and politics and
? Module 2.1 – Communication, conflict and negotiation
In writing your reflective analysis, you should consider the learning resources provided in
the respective modules as well as reading more broadly on the relevant topics.
Think carefully about what you are reading and what has been discussed in class or in online discussions. Identify the key principles and concepts and be sure you know what they
mean, why they are important and how they can be applied.
Your reflective analysis write up may take a variety of forms but must be within the word
limit and include:
? A short introduction.
? An analysis of the relevant module topics including their relevance to you and
? A short conclusion.
? Reference list.

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