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Make sure that you have sufficient data to thoroughly test each query. 1) Write a query that shows golfers for the most current event that also participated in a previous event. Include the golfer ID and name. (HINT: First create the query to get a list of golfers from previous events and then use that as a sub-query in your where clause) 2) Write a query to list all Corporate Sponsors and the total amount sponsored to date (for all events). Include the Corporate Sponsor ID and Name. There should be a result row for each Corporate Sponsor even if they have not donated money for any events. 3) Write a query that lists each Team and Club along with the total number of golfers that played for the Team and Club across all events. There should be one result row per Team and Club. List all team and clubs even if they do not have any golfers. Include the Team ID, Team Sport, Team Level, and Team Gender. 4) Write a query that lists all golfers who are not playing in the current event. (HINT: This can be done with sub-queries in the WHERE clause). You may want to first set up a query for all golfers that are playing in the current event. Your query should result in 1 row per golfer that meets the criteria. Be sure to include golfer ID and name.

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