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Write a 350-word post (minimum) of what you learned in the class and how you will apply it to your lives.


a) Each team member must choose a specific country of origin with which will be that team member’s designation. Each team member’s country will also represent different continents.  (E.g., two countries cannot be from Asia or both from Europe, and so forth).

b) The team will choose a single product or service.

c)  This product or service will be marketed in two ways: There will be a universal worldwide marketing campaign and individual marketing campaigns for each country.

d) Decipher a marketing campaign for your product or service, including both the worldwide and local dimensions.

e) Include one section after the summary in which you describe how the group performed/interacted (group dynamics, communication, and any other factors you wish to include) – With THIS section use the first person.

f) Submit a single paper, with the names of each team member on the paper. This is to be in essay form with an introduction, body, summary, and one reference section. Only one student will submit the team’s paper.

You will need at least eight peer-reviewed sources per person to support your claims.


a) Prepare a PowerPoint presentation of a minimum of 10 slides/per person with a combination of pictures, illustrations, graphs, or charts (This does NOT include the title slide and the reference slide) b) Refer to information from the reading and information from the Internet or academic sources. c) Include a reference slide for references (and least eight peer-reviewed sources per person). Be sure to include Internet search findings and research from references from the chapters on how to make effective decisions.

d) provide note page for each pages.

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