Benetton Service Corp., an Italian clothing manufacturer, contracted to sell clothing to Benedot, Inc., a retailer in Alabama. Over a period of three years, all of Benetton’s deliveries to Benedot were delivered late and contained nonconforming goods. Benetton promised that future deliveries would be conforming and on time. Relying on this promise, Benedot ordered $81,000 of clothing. In partial payment for the clothing, Benedot arranged for Southland Bank to issue a $61,000 irrevocable letter of credit to Benetton. After receiving the letter of credit, Benetton shipped the goods to Benedot. The goods arrived late and were nonconforming. Will Benedot be successful in suing to enjoin Southland Bank from paying Benetton on the letter of credit?

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Few Brands engender such intense loyalty as that found in the hearts of Harley- Davidson owners. Long ago, Harley Davidson realized that the best way to create lasting relationships with its customers was to understand them on their own terms. The company spends a great deal of time and money in pursuit of that goal. It wants to know who its customers are, how they think and feel, and why they buy a Harley. That customer-centric strategy has helped build Harley-Davidson into a multibillion–dollar company with the largest company-sponsored owner’s group in the world. Harley-Davidson has learned that it sells much more than motorcycles. The company sells a feeling of independence, individualism, and freedom. These strong emotional connections have made Harley- Davidson ownership much more of a lifestyle than merely a product consumption experience. To support that lifestyle, Harley- Davidson recognizes that its most important marketing tool is the network of individuals who ride Harleys. For this reason, Harley- Davidson engages its customer base through company-sponsored travel adventures, events, and other things, such as clothes and accessories both for riders and those who simply like to associate with the brand

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