Coastal Medical Center has been experiencing declining performance. From your perspective, are Coastal Medical Center’s problems related to efficiency or quality? What do you see as the responsibility of the board of directors and CEO to get the organization back on track? Should P4P be incorporated in Coastal Medical Center’s strategic planning process?
1. Outline a process that will allow Coastal Medical Center to take advantage of future P4P initiatives.
2. Who should be involved in P4P planning, and what should their role be?
3. How will you know if Coastal Medical Center’s P4P planning is a success?
4. In Appendix F of the Coastal Medical Center comprehensive case study, Hospital Compare data are provided for Coastal Medical Center and its competitors in the local market. How does Coastal Medical Center’s quality compare to its competitors? Develop a list of five areas in which Coastal Medical Center’s quality could be improved.
5. Access the Hospital Compare database for your community ( and find the state and national quality standards. On the basis of your analysis, how does Coastal Medical Center’s quality compare? Should Coastal Medical Center expect to receive a P4P bonus for its quality scores?