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After viewing the online productions of Twilight: Los Angeles by Anna Deveare Smith and Cyrano de Bergerac by Edmond Rostand, please write a performance review for each of the plays, focusing on one character of your choosing. While watching the production, pay attention to whose performance stood out to you and why. Please be sure to include the character’s name, as well as the actor’s name who performed the role. Your role as the reviewer is not to critique the actor’s performance, but rather describe what you saw and point out elements of the performance that stood out to you. This does not necessarily mean that everything you write about the performance needs to be praise for the actor. There may have been elements of the performance, or choices made, that appeared confusing, unclear, or ineffective. It is okay to point those elements out, but tell me why they didn’t work rather than simply stating your dislike.

Here are some questions to ask while thinking about the actor’s performance:

• How did the actor use the space?• How did they respond to the given circumstances (emotional and physical)? • Were they mainly presentational or representational in their style? • How did the actor interact with other actors on stage?• How did the actor manifest the character through physicality? Did the actor engage the whole body?• How did the performance make you feel?

I am not looking for a summary of the play. Your focus should be on the character of your choice and that actor’s specific performance. Your paper should include observations that pertain to the questions above, as well as any other elements of the production you would like to comment on. Be specific! What particular moments in the performance made that actor stand out to you? Your paper must include three specific moments that stood out to you and helped you answer some of the above questions.

Technical Details: generally, MLA format

• Typed• 12 pt. font, Times New Roman• double spaced• 2-3 pages• Header (Name, Professor, Course, Date)

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