Stage 3

Mary Ryan’s Book Stores competitiveness




Due: Week 8


Approx. 200-500 words
(guide only)



In relation to the Mary Ryan bookstore business organisation answer these questions in this template:


  1. Analyse the competitive strategy using Porter’s competitive forces model. For each of the five forces, explain if that force is low, medium, or high, and explain why?












  1. What kind of information would might the company need to assist decision making in view of the competitive strategy?


















  1. Present the value chain of the using Porter’s Value Chain Model. List and describe the primary and support activities.


















  1. Refer back to the problematic activity system you identified in stage 2 – Briefly comment on how the problems of the activity system might impact on the competitiveness of Mary Ryan’s store
























Task reflection (must completed to make full marks possible)


How confident are you that your answers are fully correct? Indicate your level of confidence by marking on the line below.



What (if anything) do you believe are the most surely correct elements your work?



What (if anything) are you unclear or not sure of in the work you have completed? What questions do you have?



Feedback for your teachers:

Was anything unclear to you as you undertook this part of the assessment?  If so, what was it? Was there anything that was particularly helpful?  If so what was it?

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