Watch this video, Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz on First Roastery in Italy (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. This video deals with how Starbucks is taking a standardized product into countries with different markets and cultures.

Then respond to these five questions listed below. You do not need to conduct any research. Your responses should be based strictly upon what you learn from the video and your own interpretation, good judgment, and opinion.

1. What is Starbuck’s approach to a standardized product for a standardized consumer in a global market?

2. How is the Italian market different from other markets for Starbucks?

3. How is Starbucks integrating its coffee offering with Italian food products?

4. In your opinion, was investing in the Italian market a sound decision?

5. How is Starbucks using technology to partner with foreign countries and markets?


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