Subject – Network and Information security 1 a) The data communication system has been engaged with livevideo stream. For example; The users would like to communicate vielive video. Both computers have the capability working withsegments and/or datagram. What transport layer portal should thechosen by the computer system? And Why? 1 b) The data communication system is going to be used for highlysensitive final data communication. For example; The users wouldlike to exchange nation-wide bank money transactions. Bothcomputers have the capability working with segments and/ordatagram. What transport layer portal should the chosen by thecomputer system? And Why? 4 a) What is PING ? And , why we should use it? . In yourWindows PC a) Launch the command prompt ( type CDM in your windowprogram search box), do ping the And, Provide the screenshot , and answer the following questions from your case. a) How many pages was sent form your computer to the BBC.comserver ? b) How long it took your computer and the network you haveconnected to respond ( provide the report) 5 a) Most of the current network was designed based on the IPv4structure. And, IpV6 is now the next step. Do you think we can useIpV6 on the network which was initially designed for IPv4structure? Explain your answer . . .

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