Read this paragraph and answer the following questions.

Angela is often chatting with coworkers and surfing the internet at work. She still manages to complete all her work on time, but she has to stay late each night to do it. Another employee, Ted, typically finishes all his tasks ahead of time and is not very social. They need to finish a team project within two days, but Ted very annoyed with Angela’s slow pace and Angela is upset with Ted for pushing her so much. Ted tried to confront Angela about it, but in his anger he made some false accusations that caused Angela to become very upset and now they aren’t talking to each other.

(1) What is/are the cause(S) of the problem? Choose 1 or more from the potential causes (Task interdependence, Jurisdictional ambiguities, Communication problems, Scarce resources, lack of common performance standards, Individual differences).
(2) What do you think is the best conflict resolution mode to use? Explain why. (Resolution modes include: Compete, Collaborate, Compromise, Avoid or Accommodate)
(3) How would you prevent and reduce this type of conflict in the future if you were the manager?


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