Wenham Chamber of Commerce Phyllis Green is the new executive director of the Chamber of Commerce for Wenham, Connecticut, a town with a population of 1800. In the 1950s and 1960s, Main Street was the heart of the community and was filled with local businesses, and townspeople and shop owners greeted each other by name. Today, Main Street is a quiet place with a limited number of stores and meeting places, and there are several empty retail spaces. Phyllis wants to revitalize the Main Street business district as a hub for the community. She has arranged a meeting with the town administrator and local business leaders to discuss her plans. She has created a Word document outlining her plan, and an Excel worksheet listing the locations of currently empty retail space. Phyllis wants you to create a presentation using the Word outline. She also wants you to include data from an Access query and an embedded Excel worksheet. Complete the following steps:

1. Open the PowerPoint presentation Revitalize, which is located in the Integration  Case3 folder included with your Data Files, and then save it as Revitalize Presentation in the location where you are saving your files. Replace the subtitle on Slide 1 with your name. 2. Create new slides from the Revitalize Outline Word document, which is located in the Integration  Case3 folder. 3. Scroll through the new slides, delete any duplicate slides, and then fix the formatting of the new slides. 4. Open the Access database Chamber, which is located in the Integration  Case3 folder, save it as ChamberBusinesses in the location where you are saving your files, and then open the BusinessesInfo table. 5. Create a query named WestEnd based on the BusinessesInfo table that lists the names of the businesses that are located on the west end of Main Street. These businesses do not currently have enough parking near them. Sort the query results alphabetically by business name. 6. Copy the query results to the Clipboard. Close Access, saving changes when prompted. 7. In the Revitalize Presentation file, display Slide 8 (“Parking Concerns”), and then paste the data on the Clipboard as Text Only as subitems below the third bulleted item in the content placeholder. 8. Evaluate Slide 8 and make adjustments as needed so that the text is more readable. (Hint: Consider changing the layout.) 9. Open the Excel file Space, which is located in the Integration  Case3 folder. 10. Copy the range A4:D8 to the Clipboard. 11. In the Revitalize Presentation file, create a new Slide 5 using the Title Only layout. Add Available Retail Space as the slide title, and then embed the copied Excel data. 12. Edit the embedded worksheet by entering Total in cell C9, and then use the SUM function in cell D9 to add the total amount of available square footage downtown. Right-align “Total” in cell C9. Apply the Total cell style to the range C9:D9. so that you can see rows 4 through 9 and so that the format of the embedded table matches the theme used in the presentation. (Hint: Change the theme of the embedded object from within the embedded program.) Make any other necessary adjustments so that the table looks good on the slide. 14. Save the changes to the presentation. Close PowerPoint and Excel.


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