1 This assignment will require you to apply what you have learned about training strategies and searching and synthesising the literature. It has TWO parts, which are outlined below.
Part 1 – using training strategies in practice
(500 words, 20 marks)
Reflecting on your own exercise training programme or your current coaching role (e.g. as sports coach, fitness instructor, teacher or other), discuss how you might use ONE training strategy from the following list to enhance your performance, or the performance of others:

endurance training (e.g. long slow distance training, paceltempo training, Interval training, high-intensity interval training, fartlek training, polarised or threshold training)

speed training (e.g. primary, secondary or tertiary methods)

power training (e.g. plyometric and weight training)

resistance training (e.g. maximal strength, hypertrophy or muscular endurance training).


Executive reports are summarized from ___________ reports.

  • Management
  • Tactical
  • Supervisor
  • Strategic

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