Diabetes Insipidus

You may use the textbook as one reference as well as the learning materials posted within the course. However, additional references should be scholarly based and be a new source that you are introducing to your peers.

Research and present the pathophysiology of the chosen disorder in a clear, well referenced manner.

Your initial post should also include the following:

  • The most common presenting symptoms
  • The manner in which your disorder is routinely diagnosed
  • A standard treatment plan
  • Link(s) to routine screening and treatment guidelines
  • If national screening and treatment guidelines do not exist for your disorder, choose a set of guidelines related to disorders that have been discussed in previous weeks. This is a great way for everyone to build a library of guidelines to help with their academic journey.

There is an abundance of information available on these disorders; in your research, look for the nuggets of information that are not common knowledge, or something specific that surprised you when you were researching your topic.

Atleast 2 scholarly APA format references.

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