
This TMA has one question with three parts. You should answer them all. The questions in this assignment are all about different aspects of the process of exploring a complex situation: drawing different kinds of maps of it, recognizing how complex it is, identifying the different perspectives it can be viewed from, and stepping back to reflect on this whole process of exploration to see the strengths and weaknesses of the approach you have adopted, and how you might do it better.


Question 01 (100 % marks)

a)      Read through the attached case study “Google’s Organizational Structure & Organizational Culture”. As you read through the case, create one multiple cause diagram to identify the factors/sources which can lead to Google’s innovation. It is advised that students submit hand drawn diagrams as opposed to computer generated ones. Photocopies of diagrams should not be accepted. Reflect on your diagram in more than 200 words. (15% marks).

b)     Based on what you learned in T205B concept file 04 section II “Control”, and taking “Promoting Innovation” as your goal, draw one closed loop control model to show the inputs’, processes, and control that can lead to achieving that goal. Reflect on your diagram in more than 200 words (15% marks).

c)      Using an essay format of no more than 2000 words, and based on what you learned in T205B concept files 04 and 05, tackle the following:


  • Discuss the concept of organizational structure. Evaluate the role of organizational structure on effectiveness and performance analyzing how adopting the wrong structure can lead to failure. Then Assess which type of task related structure is required to meet Google’s communication needs. Justify your work based on concepts covered in T205B concept file 04, section III structure, and section IV Development (Word Count 600; 20% Marks).
  • Discuss the role of organizational culture in shaping organizational performance and assess the role of Google’s organizational culture on performance. (Word Count 600 Words; 20 % Marks).


  • Discuss the concept of organizational learning and assess whether Google is a learning organization; justify your answers with evidence from the case (400 words; 15 % Marks).


  • Describe the principles of systems thinking, analyze their effectiveness for management, for problem solving and for decision making, and contrast its principles to those of strategic management (500 words, 15 Marks).



(2000 words) (70 marks) (Please see guidance below)


Guidance to Question 01


For this question you need to read the assigned article carefully and to reflect back on concept file 04 and 05 for the theoretical assessment.


  • At this stage of the course you are expected to have developed good understanding of the purpose of drawing multiple cause diagrams as part of applying the SUDA process for solving a messy situation. A multiple cause diagram is the third type of diagram drawn in the understanding phase of the SUDA process of mess analysis, in order to identify the multiple causes and effects of a situation or an event. Please pay attention to the conventions and make sure that the identified causes and their effects are relevant, and do make sense to the reader. Go back to T552 (Diagramming) the appendix to refresh your memory about the conventions.


  • This is your first attempt at drawing control model diagram. The task should not be challenging though. Refer to Concept file 04 section II “Control”. You need to draw a control model diagram to show how the selected inputs can reach the stated goal. You also need to illustrate clear, relevant, and non-overlapping inputs, clear and accurate transformation process and an output which is consistent with the goal. You also need to specify which organizational entity is in charge of assuming the role of each of the elements/components of the control model (i.e. actuator, sensor, and comparator). The parties in charge of performing each task within the control mechanism should be clearly identified. It is very important that your diagram is specific rather than generic.


  • Here you need to practice your analytical skills to assess what is required. Remember to start with a good introduction in which you define the assessed topic before moving on to explaining your plan for working on the TMA. In the body you should move on to develop each section of the essay by relying on both theoretical principles and practical examples from the case.


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