Printing books in a print shop, especially large quantities of a single book, is a process. A process is an ongoing day-to-day repetitive set of activities the print shop performs when producing its products. How are these customized eBooks different from a standard printing process? What characteristics make these customized eBooks a project?b) Who are the stakeholders in these eBook projects? How are they involved in or affected by an eBook project?c) Why is it important to have a defined project scope? Why is it important to make sure there is agreement about the scope and what will be done in producing each eBook?d) What kinds of information would you want supervisors to have available to them in the Manage Production phase? Why?e) Do you think developing a standard job template would be useful for Global Green Books? Why? What advantages could it give them in planning work?f) What other information, if any, would you like to see included in the standard job template? Why?Create a Work Breakdown Structure for an eBook project.a) What are the major phases of work for making an eBook?b) What are the steps in each phase?c) Can you identify any substeps for any of the steps

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