Essay Outline Introduction paragraph

1. Hook: Start with an “attention-getter”

2. Background: Introduce the text you’re writing about & the context it was written in.

3. Thesis: End the paragraph with an explicit and clear statement that indicates the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of the text you are analyzing. Body Paragraphs

1. Main Idea: Start each body paragraph with a Topic Sentence that supports one smaller idea from the thesis. It should be debatable as well. The information within each body paragraph should focus on HOW the rhetorical triangle and appeals help support your thesis.

2. Example: Use any example from the text to help you explain your argument & ideas. Make sure it supports the topic sentence & that you cite it correctly

3. Analysis: Break down the example you chose, and explain how it works within the larger context of the article/text.

4. Tie Back: The last sentence of the paragraph should tie all the ideas back to the Topic Sentence or the Thesis Statement. Conclusion Paragraph

1. Thesis Reminder: Remind your readers of your thesis statement. Make sure you present that debatable claim in a new way; don’t copy and paste it

2. Summarize Main Ideas: Look over the body paragraphs and remind your readers of the highlights that you want them to remember. Like the thesis reminder, make sure you present the ideas in a new way.

3. Connect your essay to your readers: End the essay with something for your readers to think about. What discoveries have you made through this close analysis? How can you present them in a way that your audience will understand as well? It’s usually best to use “we” instead of “you” at this point so that you can create more trust between you and your audience.

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