1. PBL – what is PBL and how are we supposed to learn using PBL?
      1. Characteristics of PBL?
        1. Video files are available in the EDUC4703 YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/user/EDUC4703U
      2. PBL use in this course
        1. Relationship of PBL to Knowledge Building (CSILE)/Construction (Constructivism)
        2. Context or Scenario descriptions – mostly as video files in YouTube or as PBLOs (4page structure)
        3. Establish groups of 3-4 based on interest in similar problems
        4. Identify, Define and Clarify Your Problems
        5. Knowledge and Resource Gap Analysis (be sure to reference the literature)
        6. Identify Your Role(s)
        7. Work towards Solution(s)
      3. Community Rights and Responsibilities
        1. Orientation to Critique a la Longino, H. (1993) “Subjects, Power and Knowledge: Description and Prescription in Feminist Philosophies of Science”, in Alcoffand Potter (eds.), Feminist Epistemologies, Routledge; New York.
          1. There are public avenues for criticism: journals, conferences, etc.
          2. Critics can invoke share public standards.
          3. The scientific community is open to criticism and re-evaluation.
          4. Qualified scientists share equal intellectual authority.
        2. pdf  (can be viewed on YouTube in AEDT1120U channel, https://www.youtube.com/user/AEDT1120U)

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