1. Open the zuul-bad project in BlueJ and save it as LastName-zuul1, using your last name, e.g., Smith-zuul1.
  2. Start by completing Exercises 6e: 8.1, 8.2, and 8.3  There is nothing to turn in for these exercises. As you design your game scenario, keep in mind the following:
    • Your game should have at least 6 rooms and no more than 10 rooms.
    • Each room should have a descriptive name.
    • Your rooms should be different from the rooms in the program already. Do not simply extend the existing scenario; create your own.
    • Be creative. This game scenario will be the basis for future assignments so make it something that will keep your interest.
  3. Complete Exercise 6e: 8.4
    • Create a map of your game scenario in any common electronic format (such as .pdf, .doc, .pptx, .jpg, etc.).
    • Update the source code of your zuul project to create the rooms and connections as you designed them.
    • Update the welcome and help messages to match your scenario.
    • The rooms created in your zuul project and the connections from one room to another should match your map.
      • Make sure the connections between rooms are clear in your map. I will assume that connections between rooms are bidirectional unless you indicate otherwise (e.g., with arrowheads).
  4. Test your program.
  5. Document your changes.
    • Adjust the comment block at the top of the file to include a 1-2 sentence description of your specific game scenario.
    • Add your name to the @author list and update the version.
  6. When you have completed the assignment, create a jar file of your project:
    1. From BlueJ, choose Project->Create Jar File…
    2. Check the “Include source” checkbox  ← Very important!
    3. Name the file LastName-zuul1

Part 3: Git

In this part, you will install Git, a version control system, and use it to track source code for a simple project. Version control systems have two big advantages: (1) tracking versions of source code, and (2) facilitating collaboration among multiple developers working on the same code. In this lab, you will learn to use Git to track versions of source code.

Note: This part is a repeat of an assignment from CIS 133J. If you already have Git installed you don’t need to do that step, but you should complete all the other steps anew. Practicing the Git flow again will help you learn it. Do not resubmit a project from 133J. Each time you commit, a timestamp is associated with the commit.

  1. Walk through all the documents in the module Version Control with Git, learning about version control and following along with the steps. You may want to keep the Git Cheat Sheet for CIS 133J handy.
    1. Git and Version Control – informational.
    2. Install and Set Up Git – steps you need to follow to install Git on your local system.
    3. Set Up a Repository for a Project – steps you need to follow to create a local repository for a Java project.
    4. Add Features to a Project – steps you need to follow to add features to your Java project while tracking the changes in the repository.
  2. In the process of walking through the documents above you should have created a Hello World project and repository, which is what you will submit for this part of the lab.
  3. For full credit, your project repository must meet the criteria below. (If you followed along with the videos, you should have everything you need.)
    • The Java code must compile and run without error, printing a hello message to the terminal.
    • The repository must have a feature branch on which the work was done, which has been merged into the master. (Check with ‘git branch’ – your feature branch should be listed.)
    • There must be at least 2 commits with feature work, beyond initializing the project. (Check with ‘git log’)
    • Your commits must have descriptive messages.
    • Your commits must have timestamps from this quarter.
    • Your name and email address must be set up in your Git installation. (Look at the Author line in ‘git log’)
    • The repository must be clean with no uncommitted changes. (When you do ‘git status’ it should say “On branch master, nothing to commit, working tree clean”)
  4. Your submission for this part should be a zip file containing your project folder (e.g., hello-world). Creating a jar file from the BlueJ project is not sufficient because the jar does not include the repository files. Git uses a hidden folder named .git to store its internal files, and this folder needs to be in the zip file along with your project files.
  • attachment

  • attachment


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