you will be working on three drafts,  Approximately 1500 words of text

working on the major managerial economic

For this draft, you should have a good basic definition of the career/position and the duties. You might include the career path, preparation for the career, the need for the field, etc. You might also describe the different types of careers/sub careers. For instance, there are several types of marketers.

Do not go into depth about the writing duties for this part. You will do that in part 2.

think of a report as a research paper, one with a particular format and style.

Like any good research project, yours will be guided by the following questions:

● What does this career look like? In other words, what are the job prospects and career growth, how does one prepare for the career, etc.?

● What does one do in this career? In other words, what roles and functions does one perform?

● What is the role of writing and other communication and how are they valued in the career, especially by managers and other leaders?

● What kinds of writing skills do managers need?


Two major challenges for the assignment will be unpacking the question and then determining how to find reliable sources.

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