Identify two countries, one in Africa and one in either Asia or Latin America. Research each country’s history with the IMF and the World Bank. Has the country accepted loans from either organization? What were the terms of the loans? Discuss whether the loans achieved the initial purpose and whether the country is better or worse off as a result of working with these institutions. Have the loans helped expand the prospects for businesses, local and multinational? Provide your evaluation in a three-page paper.

Requirements for all papers:

  1. All papers must be grammatically correct utilizing APA guidelines, 6th edition.
  2. Writing word-for-word out of any book is plagiarism and will not be accepted for credit. Using another student’s work is plagiarism and will not be accepted for credit.
  3. Students will need more than just the text to write these papers. Please refer to the list of references and the Baker College library. At least one scholarly resource is required, in addition to our text, to support your papers.
  4. Each paper shall include a cover page, reference page, running head, introduction, body and conclusion.

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