In conducting a job analysis, there are two areas: (1) job-based and (2) person-based structure. For this assignment, identify the needed knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs); the tasks, duties, and responsibilities (TDRs); and any other specifics for a registered nurse’s position. We will be using research efforts to complete the assignment. Refer to the BLS website to identify and collect needed data/basic information about a registered nurse’s position. Utilize to the A-Z Index to access information on registered nurses. Then, use the following website to create your own structure-based analysis: Follow the steps listed below for the website to access the needed information.

  1. Search
  2. Go to the Occupation Search section.
  3. Enter the keyword (registered nurse) or the O*NET-SOC code.
  4. Click the arrow.
  5. Identify/record code for registered nurses.
  6. Click Registered Nurses.
  7. View the report.
  8. Click the Custom tab in the middle of the page. (Note: You will customize/select your own job analysis specifics based on the job and person-based specifics.) The following information should be identified in the PowerPoint presentation:
    • credentials,
    • KSAs,
    • tasks,
    • work activities and detailed work activities,
    • technology skills,
    • tools used,
    • wages, and
    • an explanation of what a job analysis is and its purpose.
  9. Check the appropriate boxes (see below for required information).
  10. Click GO.

Once the data is collected, complete an eight- to ten-slide PowerPoint presentation about the job-based and person-based structure needed for the registered nurse’s position.

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