Betty Blaine, owner of Ad Consult Ltd., acquired five new computers and two laser printers from Computing Supplies Inc., a major wholesale supplier of word processing equipment to business and institutions. Each piece of equipment was acquired pursuant to a lease that Betty signed on behalf of her company. The cost of each computer was $2,700, and the printers were $3,600 each. Betty’s Company was required to pay $75 monthly for each computer lease and $100 monthly for each printer, for three years. In addition to the monthly payments Betty’s company was to make, Betty was required by Computing Supplies Inc. to sign a personal guarantee for payment on each lease in the event that her company should default. The wording of the guarantee stated that Betty would be liable to make payments under the lease even if the lease turned out to be void or voidable against her company or its creditors. Shortly after the acquisition of the computing equipment, Betty borrowed a sum of money from the bank for some improvements to her offices. As security for the bank, she executed a general security agreement over all assets of her business. After about a year of making regular payments on the computer leases and to the bank, Betty’s business began to slow down considerably. She struggled to make the payments for a few more months, but eventually found herself unable to continue. First, Betty failed to make payments on the leases. The following month she defaulted on her bank loan. The bank immediately seized the computing equipment, and the other assets of the business, pursuant to the terms of its general security agreement. In the legal argument that followed, it became apparent that the bank had registered its security agreement under provincial personal property security legislation, but Computing Supplies Inc. had not registered any of its leases. Identify the legal issue or issues that have arisen, and the arguments that each party will rely upon, including the legal principles upon which they are based. Render a decision

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In response to appeal for recognition by the Republic of Star, a number of existing states including some powerful ones, which are permanent members of the UN Security Council. Indeed, five of such existing states have rendered their full diplomatic recognition to the Republic of Star which has actively been engaged in a bloody civil war with its parent state, as the parent state sought to suppress the secessionist bid. In this civil war however the liberation army of the Republic of Star has suffered a military defeat. And the Republic of Star, after surviving for ten years with formal recognition from five states and informal recognition from others, is now eventually reabsorbed with its parent state. The Republic of Star no longer exists as a state in international law. The situation of the Independent State of Moon appears to be somewhat different. Instead of waging a civil war, its parent state opted to launch a diplomatic campaign against the UDI of Moon and managed to persuade the world community and its forum, the UN, not to recognise the situation generated by the UDI of Moon. The response of the international community and UN members was overwhelming. The entire international community of states and the UN did not recognize the UDI of Moon. Even the UN General Assembly and the Security Council went further by adopting a series of resolutions condemning the UDI of Moon and calling upon UN members not to recognize the so-called Independent State of Moon. Thus the Independent State of Moon remains universally unrecognised but continues to survive and operate as an entity with all features of statehood independent of its parent state

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