Christian Worldview – THE001
Higher ED Advanced Diploma
Assessment 3 – Essay
Weighting : 40%
Word Limit : 1200 words
Write an essay on one of the following topics: (1200 words).
1. How do you understand the full humanity and full divinity of Jesus Christ? Why is this
important for our salvation?
2. What does it mean to be created in the image of God? What are the implications of this
truth. Discuss.
3. What do we mean when we say “all Scripture is inspired by God” (2 Tim 3:16)
1. Select the topic that most interests you from the three options. Please note you do not
need to wait for a lecture on your chosen topic. You will be required to do additional
research.I have chosen topic one.
2. Thoroughly research the topic.
3. Follow the PSC Essay Template and Writing Guide;
4. Gather your resource and construct your Bibliography following the Assessment Style
Guide. At least 10 different references from academic sources.
a. Gather quotes from your resources that you will use in your essay. All of your quotes
combined should not be any more than 10% of the total word count.
b. Set up your quotes and references with footnotes following the Assessment Style GuideChicago/Turabian style.
c. Write the essay. This should include; introduction, main body of essay and conclusion.
Suggested Essay Structure:
Introduction (120 words)
Body Topic 1 (250 words) Full Humanity of Jesus Christ
Body Topic 2 (250 words) Full Divinity of Jesus Christ
Why is this Important to salvation? (250 words)
Contemporary Application (250 words) Salvation work does not expire
Conclusion (120 words)

5. Identify and explain the central elements of the chosen topic.
6. Discuss contemporary relevance of this topic.
7. Your submission should include your final Bibliography.
Essay is focused and demonstrates depth of understanding regarding the chosen topic
References to relevant Scripture are well integrated
Contemporary relevance of the topic is discussed
This assessment requires 10 distinct quality academic sources.
Sources need to be included in both Bibliography and footnotes and formatted according to
the Essay Template and Writing Guide.
Written content maintains quality expression throughout and is free from spelling,
grammatical, and syntax errors.
Essay is within 10% of the total word count and is formatted according to current
Chicago/Turabian style as outlined in the PSC Essay Writing Guide.

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