In this exercise you will work with the Blues Guitarists Hand Posture and Thumbing Style by Region and Birth Period data, which you can download from OA 9.24. This dataset has 93 entries of various blues guitarists born between 1874 and 1940. Apart from the name of the guitarists, that dataset contains the following four features:

i. Regions: 1 means East, 2 means Delta, 3 means Texas

ii. Years: 0 for those born before 1906, 1 for the rest

iii. Hand postures: 1 = Extended, 2 = Stacked, 3 = Lutiform

iv. Thumb styles: between 1 and 3, 1 = Alternating, 2 = Utility, 3 = Dead Using random forest on this dataset, how accurately can you tell their birth year from their hand postures and thumb styles? How does it affect the evaluation when you include the region while training the model?

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