• 5 pages (not including works cited)
  • Double-spaced
  • 12-point Calibri Font
  • .5 inch margins
  • Cited in MLA style with a works cited page (this is your 6th page)
  • Saved as a .doc, .docx, .rtf or .pdf
  • Submitted to Canvas by the above deadline

Grading criteria: You are expected to give an overview of the issue and examine it from all sides. A good paper will take a position and make an argument for specific political action or inaction and use credible sources to support that position. Grammar and spelling WILL be graded.

15 points: Logic of argument

15 points: Topical Analysis

 5 points: Grammar, spelling, structure

5 points: Works cited page with good sources (i.e. not Wikipedia or propaganda websites)

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