Discussion #5 Deviance33 unread replies.33 replies.


For this discussion, you must break a social norm and describe the consequences of it. See the instructions below.

Breaking a Social Norm

Think of a norm that most people follow without question (attending classes all day NOT dressed as a plush toy, for example, asking strangers for a cigarette, not a snack, lighting up the bummed cigarette immediately not saving it for later, riding in an elevator facing the door not standing with the door behind you, etc.). Then disrupt that norm by not following it. Do not violate any formal norms like laws and school policy. No one should break norms that would cause an arrest or ticketing. You should also not break norms that could hurt others’ feelings or agitate someone enough to want to give you a beat down. For example, do not skip anyone in a line, do not engage in rude behavior, do not attempt to walk or bike ride through a drive-thru meant for automobiles. This assignment asks that each of you conduct an actual experiment. It is not a reflection on past behavior.

Write about your experience in 3 paragraphs. In your write-up include:

  1. why you chose the norm,
  2. how you challenged it,
  3. reactions from others to restore normalcy,
  4. how you felt.

Be sure to read about social norms before attempting this assignment.

On each of the weekly discussion boards, students must post at a minimum of 150 words. (20 points) At the end of your initial post, please put the word count in parentheses. Failure to include the word count will result in (10) points deducted from your final score for each time it is not included.

Initial response (did you discuss the questions asked) (20 points)

Use at least 3 sociological terms (20 points)

Grammar, spelling, and formatting (20 points)

You must also respond to at least 2 students (20 points). Expressing an opinion is not enough. My hope is that you will participate more than the minimum.

No discussions accepted late.

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