Initiation / planning:  How would GCC recognize the need for an ERP system?


Global consulting corporation(GCC) is a company that provide consulting service. It has three office and a headquarter, which consist of personal consultant and administrative personnel. The company has well established guideline for company operating procedure and require every employee to obey, which include the step for establishing a written contract with customer This feature in the guideline ensure the company to build intimate and long term relationship with their customer, which is achieving by implementing transaction processing gridline . the standard that the employee’s communication between the customer and the headquarter, such as that the consultant must file a progress report to the headquarter is the minimum requirement would be another example that ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system need to implement in the company, because such human behavior that is controllable by the ERP system will help the company to establish strong human resource management. ERP system would also implement strong internal control in the company, which would be an efficiency way to make sure the reliability of the company financial statement because the office are distribute throughout California and separate from the headquarter. With the ERP system, the executive member such as CEO and CFO would have more access to control their employees remotely. ERP system also implement the use of accounting information system, which control the inputs processes outputs, storage through a large database system to ensure the accounting cycle run smoothly.

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