Throughout the course, you worked on a substantial systems development case project where you worked through the first three phases of structured systems development. In a professional essay format, concisely address the following:

  • Discuss the three phases of the development methodology as applied to the case project. The goal of this essay is to demonstrate your understanding of the covered systems analysis and design course topics and highlight your overall learning experience. (Structured DevelopmentLife Cycle  three phases: 1 Planning 2 Analyze 3. Design)
  • For each phase, demonstrate your understanding by incorporating your own experiences with the case assignments into your analysis. Indicate any successes, challenges, or failures you experienced. Be specific.
  • Highlight the importance of each phase and the various approaches you applied to complete the overall design of your system. Within each phase, discuss the various approaches, models, diagrams, techniques, etc. used. Be sure to explain why each phase, tool, diagram, skill, and/or model was completed. If you feel any phase, tool, model, etc. was not required or was not important, be sure to highlight this in your analysis. Be sure to also include any figures, tools, models, milestone deliverables, etc. in an appendix and refer to them throughout your report. We had 10 milestones throughtout the course that I will attach
  • Be sure to include a “lessons learned” section where you discuss any lessons learned or take-aways from your case experience that you feel you will benefit from or apply in the future. Also discuss how you would improve the chance of implementing a successful project (approaches, teams, project management, etc.).
  • Be sure to include appropriate vocabulary and terminology to demonstrate your mastery of the HIMT 370 topic areas. Essays will be graded based on the application of materials as related to your own systems development project.
  • Your essay should be professionally written and formatted. The final essay should be something that you would be proud to share with prospective employers.
  • Essays must be completed individually.
  • Include the following sections/headings in the essay:
    • Table of Contents
    • Executive Summary
    • Introduction
    • Phase 1: [Enter title here]
    • Phase 2: [Enter title here]
    • Phase 3: [Enter title here]
    • Lessons Learned
    • Conclusion

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