©Aspire2 International – DAM780 A1 Individual Assignment Page 1

Graduate Diploma in Applied Management (Level 7)

Course Title Retail Customer Orientation

Course Code DAM780 Version 2.0 (Set B)

Title Assessment 1 – Individual Assignment

Level 7 Credits 20 Total Marks (Weighting)

120.0 (60.0%)

Student Name

Student ID

Tutor Name

Week Due 6 Due Date

Section Intro Q1 Q2 Q3 Total

Total Marks N/A 40.0 40.0 40.0 120.0

Marks Awarded N/A

Assessor’s Overall Feedback

Student’s Signature: _____________________________ Date: _________________

©Aspire2 International – DAM780 A1 Individual Assignment Page 2

General Instructions:

1. APA 6th edition referencing and in-text citation are compulsory. 2. Plagiarism is dealt with zero tolerance and you will fail the assessment. 3. Soft copy of assessment must be uploaded to Turnitin by the due date and time and a hard copy

must be submitted to the lecturer on date advised by lecturer. 4. Be advised that any similarity rate 15% or above will result in zero marks as stipulated above. 5. Your work must be free of errors with respect to grammar, spelling and punctuation. Learning Outcomes Assessed:

Learning Outcomes (LOs)

Question Mark Allocation Assessment Weighting (%)

LO1 Analyse customer knowledge and buying behaviour in the retail sector.

Q1a Q1b

20.0 20.0

Total: 40.0 Marks

10.0% 10.0%

Total: 20.0%

LO2 Critically evaluate customer experiences and strategies for managing these experiences.

Q1a Q1b

20.0 20.0

Total: 40.0 Marks

10.0% 10.0%

Total: 20.0%

LO3 Identify and investigate key issues in customer communication.

Q1a Q1b

20.0 20.0

Total: 40.0 Marks

10.0% 10.0%

Total: 20.0%

Total 120.0 Marks 60.0%

Please read and sign the declaration(s) below:

I have understood the content and learning outcomes to be assessed.

I have been advised of the purpose and the process of the assignment.

I consent to assignment results and materials being used by my establishment.

I agree to carry out the assignment without assistance from anyone else.

Student’s Signature: _________________________________ Date: _________________

©Aspire2 International – DAM780 A1 Individual Assignment Page 3

Assessment Glossary:

Analyse Adding a degree or level of accuracy depth, knowledge and understanding, logic, reflection and quality to identifying components and the relationship between them; draw out and relate implications.

Critically Evaluate Give your verdict as to what extent a statement or findings within a piece of work are true, or to what extent you agree with them. Provide evidence taken from a range of sources which both agree with and contradict an argument. Conclude, basing the decision on what you judge to be the most important factors and justify how you have made your choice.an appraisal of the worth of something i.e. explaining the extent to which it is effective / useful / true.

Discuss Provide details and evidence for and against particular views or ideas. Investigate or examine by argument.

Examine Inspect thoroughly in order to determine their nature or condition.

Identify Determine the key points to be addressed and implications thereof.

Investigate Carry out a systematic or formal inquiry to discover and examine the facts related to an incident, event, idea or theory.

Assessment Instructions: 1. This individual assessment (Assignment 1) covers Learning Outcomes (LOs) 1, 2 & 3 as part of the

requirement for DAM780: Retail Customer Orientation. This is compulsory towards the completion of the Graduate Diploma in Applied Management (Level 7).

2. Read all instructions carefully. If anything is unclear, consult your lecturer and they will clarify for you. 3. This assessment is a question and answer type of assignment. Answers must be typed in paragraph form. 4. Your assignment should:

• Demonstrate an originality of ideas and they should also be justified.

• Have paraphrased sentences to show that you understand the concepts/topics.

• Demonstrate evidence of applying concepts/theories learned from a wide range of materials, such as relevant textbooks, academic journals or articles, media reports, annual reports, company’s website and/or reputable online sources.

• Contain at least six (6) research based sources as references.

• Be typed (Font Size 11 or 12, Arial or Calibri or Times New Roman), 1.5 space.

• Consist of approximately 3,000 words (excluding references) and stapled/bound. 5. Please submit your assessment as follows:

• A soft copy of the assignment must be submitted to Turnitin via MyNtec (Canvas). Save your file as: Full Name_ID Number_DAM780_ A1 eg: fred_smith_yib0000123_dam780_a1

• Hard copy also to be submitted to your tutor before the due date/time (Note: Refer to the current faculty late submission policy for specific details).

©Aspire2 International – DAM780 A1 Individual Assignment Page 4

6. Choose a retailer for this assessment from the list, get approval from your DAM780 course tutor (first come first served) and then answer the questions (on pages 5 & 6) based on your own research for the chosen retailer. It is strongly recommended that you personally visit the chosen retailer’s outlet to get first hand empirical knowledge of its retail environment. (A retailer not given in the list may also be chosen provided it is approved by the course tutor).

1. New World www.newworld.co.nz 2. Pak’n Save www.paknsave.co.nz 3. Countdown www.countdown.co.nz 4. Supervalue www.supervalue.co.nz 5. Farmers www.farmers.co.nz 6. Zara’s www.zara.com/nz 7. Cotton On www.cottonon.com/NZ 8. Posties www.postie.co.nz 9. Smith & Caughey’s www.smithandcaugheys.co.nz 10. Mecca Maxima Cosmetics www.meccabeauty.co.nz/mecca-max 11. The Body Shop www.thebodyshop.co.nz 12. T2 www.t2tea.com/en/nz 13. The Warehouse Group www.thewarehouse.co.nz 14. K Mart www.kmart.co.nz 15. Noel Leeming www.noelleeming.co.nz 16. Harvey Norman www.harveynorman.co.nz 17. Trade Depot www.tradedepot.co.nz 18. JB Hifi www.jbhifi.co.nz 19. PB Tech www.pbtech.co.nz 20. Whitcoull’s www.whitcoulls.co.nz 21. Paper Plus www.paperplus.co.nz 22. Michael Hill www.michaelhill.co.nz 23. Mitre 10 www.mitre10.co.nz 24. Bunnings Warehouse www.bunnings.co.nz 25. Kathmandu www.kathmandu.co.nz 26. Macpac www.macpac.co.nz 27. Hellenstein www.hallensteins.com 28. Number One Shoes www.numberoneshoes.co.nz 29. Platypus Shoes www.platypusshoes.co.nz 30. Sketchers www.skechers.co.nz 31. Unichem www.unichem.co.nz 32. Chemist Warehouse www.chemistwarehouse.co.nz 33. Danske Mobler www.danskemobler.co.nz 34. Target Furniture www.targetfurniture.co.nz 35. Bed Bath & Beyond www.bedbathandbeyond.co.nz 36. Look Sharp www.looksharpstore.co.nz 37. The Plant Barn www.kings.co.nz 38. Repco www.repco.co.nz 39. Golf Warehouse www.golfwarehouse.nz 40. Rebel Sports www.rebelsport.co.nz 41. Bed Bath & Table www.bedbathntable.co.nz 42. Health2000 www.health2000.co.nz 43. Bivouac www.bivouac.co.nz 44. Footlocker www.footlocker.co.nz 45. Rock Shop www.rockshop.co.nz 46. Stirling Sports www.stirlingsports.co.nz

©Aspire2 International – DAM780 A1 Individual Assignment Page 5

ASSESSMENT 1 – INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT Introduction Provide a concise, informative description of your chosen retailer. The key information points include:

• Brief history of the organisation in New Zealand

• Mission/Vision and/or the values of the organisation

• Current operations, products and services

• Number of stores/outlets with locations (broadly, not specifically). Note: This is a non-graded but compulsory part. Your assessment will not be considered for grading/marking if this part is missing. (Indicative word count = 100 – 200 words). Question 1 (LO1) (40.0 Marks) For companies, knowledge about customers is essential to their marketing plans. This customer knowledge comes from various sources and may be categorised using a typology of culture, social interactions, demographics and life style. a) Analyse the influence of any four (4) out of the following factors on consumer buying behaviour for your

chosen retailer: ▪ Cultural Trends ▪ Sub-cultures ▪ Social Classes ▪ Family ▪ Customer Knowledge ▪ Life Style ▪ Personality ▪ Motives

You are required to present a detailed analysis for each of the above to explain their influence on the consumers for your chosen retailer. (Approx. 500 Words, 5.0 Marks x 4 factors = 20.0 Marks) b) Follow up on your analysis (1a) by proposing recommendations on how your chosen retailer can make

further use of these influencing factors to their advantage in terms of business growth and success. (Approx. 500 Words, 5.0 Marks x 4 recommendations = 20.0 Marks)

Question 2 (LO 2) (40.0 Marks) A customer walking inside a retail outlet is subjected to a whole range of sensory experiences. Retailers try and make use of elements in the store exterior and interior, merchandising, store design and layout, to heighten customer experiences in the most effective way possible. Stimuli in the retail environment are used to positively influence customers’ shopping experience and their responses. a. Critically evaluate your chosen retailer’s strategy to optimise customer experiences through the use of:

i. Merchandise Display ii. Store Design and Layout iii. Sensory Elements (Light, Colour, Music, Scents etc.) iv. Store Exterior (Façade, Walkway, Fascia, Marquee etc.)

(Approx. 500 Words, 5.0 Marks x 4 strategies= 20.0 Marks)

©Aspire2 International – DAM780 A1 Individual Assignment Page 6

b. Follow up on your analysis (2a) by providing recommendations on how your chosen retailer can make further use of these stimuli to further enhancing customers’ shopping experience.

(Approx. 500 Words, 5.0 Marks x 4 recommendations = 20.0 Marks) Question 3 (LO3) (40.0 Marks) Retailers use a variety of marketing communication tools and techniques to promote their brand, products and services to existing and potential customers. These tools and techniques include advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, publicity and public relations and direct marketing. a) Identify and investigate the marketing communication strategy of your chosen retailer by identifying and

discussing any four (4) tools and techniques from their marketing communication mix. Your discussion should highlight how effectively (or otherwise) the retailer is using the tools and techniques you have identified. (Approx. 500 Words, 5 Marks x 4 tools & techniques = 20.0 Marks)

b) Follow up on your analysis (3a) by providing four (4) recommendations on how your chosen retailer can

make improve the use, and enhance the effectiveness of, their marketing communication tools and techniques to promote their brand and positively influence consumer perception.

(Approx. 500 Words, 5 Marks x 4 recommendations = 20.0 Marks)

~ End of Assessment 1 ~

©Aspire2 International – DAM780 A1 Individual Assignment Page 7

Assessment Rubric:

Marks: Q1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b.


Extremely Weak

1.0 Needs Improvement


Below Average


Above Average




Excellent Assessment Criteria

Subject Knowledge & Understanding

Major gaps in knowledge and

understanding of material at this level.

Significant inaccuracies.

Gaps in knowledge and only superficial

understanding of the well-established

principles of area(s) of study. Some inaccuracies.

Some knowledge and understanding of material, of well-

established principles of area(s) of study, and of the way in

which those principles have been developed.

Broad knowledge and understanding of material, of well-

established principles of area(s) of study, and of the way in

which those principles have been developed.

Good knowledge and understanding of material, of well-

established principles of area(s) of study, and of the way in

which those principles have been developed.

Excellent knowledge and understanding of

material, main concepts/theories at this level. Awareness of the limitation(s) of their knowledge, and how this influences

any analyses and interpretations based

on that knowledge.

Cognitive/Intellectual Skills (e.g. logic and argument; organisation and communication of ideas and evidence)

Unsupported generalisations made

without use of any credible evidence.

Lack of logic, leading to unsupportable

conclusions or missing conclusions. Lack of

analysis and relevance.

Views/findings largely irrelevant, illogical or

contradictory. Generalisations/

statements made with slight evidence. Conclusions lack relevance and/or


Awareness of main issues. Structure of argument effective,

but with some gaps or weaknesses. Some

evidence provided to support findings, but

not always consistent. Some relevant


Issues identified and analysed within given

areas. Demonstrated a satisfactory level of

critical thinking in the analysis. An awareness of different views and ability to use evidence to support argument.

Ability to apply concepts and

principles outside context of study

context. Generally sound conclusions.

Good level of analysis. Demonstrated a good

level of critical thinking in the

analysis. An awareness of different views and ability to use evidence

convincingly to support argument.

Ability to apply concepts/ principles effectively beyond

context of study. Valid conclusions.

Excellent analysis and consistent features.

Demonstrated excellent level of

critical thinking in the analysis. Perceptive, logically connected

points made throughout the work

within a comprehensive and balanced argument. Evidence selected

carefully and thoroughly analysed.

Persuasive conclusions.

Use of Research Informed-literature (including referencing, appropriate academic conventions and academic honesty)

No evidence of reading. Views are

unsupported and non- authoritative.

Academic conventions largely ignored.

Evidence of little reading appropriate for this level and/or

random use of sources. Academic

Evidence of reading relevant sources, with

some appropriate linking to given text(s). Academic conventions

evident and largely

Knowledge and analysis of a range of

literature beyond core text(s). Literature used

accurately and

Knowledge of the field of literature used

consistently to support findings. Research-based

literature integrated

Exceptionally wide range of relevant

literature evaluated to inform argument, balance discussion

and/or inform

©Aspire2 International – DAM780 A1 Individual Assignment Page 8

conventions used weakly.

consistent, with minor weaknesses.

analytically. Academic skills generally sound.

into the work. Good use of academic


problem-solving. Consistently accurate

and assured use of academic conventions.

Use of English No evidence of professional word


Many sentence fragments and

therefore answer was unclear.

Answer was lost in poor construction.

No paragraphs or

incomplete paragraph(s).

Many spelling,

capitalisation and punctuation errors.

Too many grammar

and usage errors.

Word choice was unprofessional.

More than 2 sentence


Meaning was lost in poor construction.

Awkward paragraph

construction obscures the writing.

Spelling, capitalization, or punctuation errors

made the answer unclear.

Grammar & usage

errors made writing unclear.

Word choice was inappropriate and sometimes used action verbs and

passive voice.

Sometimes used complete simple

sentences but lacked complexity and


Writing had paragraphs but

underdeveloped. 3-4 spelling,

capitalisation or punctuation errors.

3 – 4 grammar &

usage errors.

Word choice was generally appropriate and used action verbs and passive voice with

two or three errors.

Generally used complete sentences of

varied length and complexity.

Writing displayed

some effective paragraph divisions and the number of

paragraphs generally matched the required


Generally main purpose of task was clear and coherent


Minor spelling, capitalisation or

punctuation errors.

Minor grammar and English usage errors.

Word choice was mostly appropriate

and used action verbs and passive voice

appropriately. Mostly used complete

sentences of varied length and complexity.

Writing displayed some effective

paragraph divisions and the number of

paragraphs was appropriate to the

required format/task. Main purpose of task was clear and mostly


1-2 spelling, capitalisation or

punctuation errors.

1-2 grammar and English usage errors.

Word choice was appropriate and used

action verbs and passive voice appropriately.

Used complete

sentences of varied length and complexity.

Writing displayed effective paragraph

divisions and the number of paragraphs was appropriate to the required format/task.

Main purpose of task

was clear and coherent.

No spelling,

capitalisation or punctuation errors.

Excellent use of

grammar and English usage

Note: If a tutor perceives that a student has done sufficiently more work to be awarded a mark higher than the lower grade boundary but not enough to award a mark at the higher- grade boundary, then a tutor may award a ½ mark between grade boundaries. If done so, it is done at a lecturer’s discretion.

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