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The assignment is designed as an imaginary case study for students to practice procurement and risk management concepts.
The individual assignment has the following major deliverables:
1. Select a project at your target company 2. Provide background of the case project 3. Recommend the best project delivery method for your project based on the criteria that YOU think is most crucial to this project. Be mindful that the types of delivery methods that need to be evaluated are Design-Bid-Build, Design-Build and CM@Risk. You must document all your assumptions and rationale for the selection of the project delivery system. All yours suggested grading (the criteria, weights, and scores) should come with justifications and explain why you gave such grade to each element of the selection matrix. 4. Evaluate and recommend the best financial contract type for your project based on the criteria that YOU think are crucial to this project. The types of contract that need to be evaluated are Lump sum contract, Guaranteed Maximum Price Contract and Cost-Plus Fixed Fee Contract. All grading must be justified and explained. 5. Evaluate and recommend the best procurement method for your project based on the criteria that are crucial to this project. The types of procurement that need to be evaluated are Competitive, Negotiated and Best Value. All grading must be justified and explained. 6. Develop Risk Management Plan including Risk Register, Risk Quadrant Analysis, and risk mitigation plan

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