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YY has worked for the manufacturing company RU2 all his adult life and is currently Production Manager. Although he can be uncooperative and single-minded at times, he is respected for his experience, honesty, direct speaking and the results he achieves.
Change is coming to RU2 and many senior managers have gradually been replaced by younger managers with different ideas and approaches. A new Managing Director (MD) was appointed six months ago but YYAc€?cs first dealing with him did not go well. YY requested that some of the production machinery be upgraded but his request was declined until a full written proposal including an investment appraisal analysis was produced. No proposal has been produced and no machinery has been upgraded since this time.
When RU2Ac€?cs Senior Sales Manager retired last month he was replaced by a new Marketing Manager. (The job advertisement referred to RU2 as a company 'undergoing significant change and looking to develop a more customer-led approach'). YY is irritated to find that the MD has approved the purchase of a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system straightaway.
YY told colleagues that the CRM system will be 'a waste of money that could be spent elsewhere'. Now the new Marketing Manager is, for the first time, developing a comprehensive marketing plan and she has invited a number of senior colleagues across the organisation to help contribute to the plan including YY. YY immediately declined the invitation telling the Marketing Manager that she would do well to 'concentrate on the basic job of selling rather than
wasting time drawing up pointless plans'.
The new Managing Director wants RU2 to have more of a marketing focus and become more customer-led. Describe the impact on RU2 of such a development.

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