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Short papers:  Explain, contrast or compare the subject – 3-5 pages not including your name, class ID and header information – single spacing, normal margins,  use 12 pt font Times New Roman- reference what isn’t yours please using MLA citation– Failure to adhere to the formating and page length requirements can mean a loss of up to 25 points.

Subject:  Describe and reflect on the importance of cloud computing, such as:   What is cloud computing?  What are the different types of cloud platforms? How do they work? How is cloud computing changing the way we look at information and how we do business?  How is the government approaching the use of cloud computing?  What, if anything, is the government doing to secure cloud for the government data?  What is the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP)? Why is FedRAMP unique, what does it do, and why is this important? How does FedRAMP create a baseline of security for cloud proverds?  How is this baseline enforced? Do you think that we need this kind of program to secure our government data? Tell me your thoughts…

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