Make an executable program according to the specification below a canoe rental company can handle information on canoes for rent. Create your own Kanot class that holds data on: kanotID, kanotTyp, kanotMarke, kanotFarg, langd, numberPlaces, stockPlace, pricePerHour. Create a class with main method where objects are created by the Kanot class. (NOTE: do not use ArrayList). Material compiled by uaw When the program is executed, a list of the choices a user can make should appear in the Eclipse console and the user should be able to choose what the program should perform (see a-i below) and the program should not be shut down until the user chooses to exit. The array for canoes must have room for at least 20 canoes. Add the canoe to an array of canoe objects, you should also check that it is not already there is a canoe loaded with the same canoe ID. If there is already a canoe with the canoe ID must it is not possible to add it to your collection and a message will be displayed to users. For example: A canoe with canoe ID K1 is already in your collection b. Change / update storage location and price for a canoe based on kanot_id c. Remove canoe based on canoe_id. d. View all canoes in the array and all data about each canoe. e. Search for canoes that have a lower price per hour than the user indicates. f. The user must enter the number of hours. Calculate the price the renter of the canoe must pay, the calculation must be made based on price and the hours the person wants to rent the canoe. g. Search for canoe type and display all data for canoe / s that match the searched canoe type. h. Search for canoe based on kanot_id and view all info about the searched canoe. i. Calculate how many people would fit if you rented all the canoes and print it in the console.

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