Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X had very different ideas in the beginning of their public lives on how to improve rights for African Americans in the U.S.  Using the following sources and the weekly reading from your textbook compare and contrast the beliefs of King and Malcolm X.  What were their major differences?  Which man’s beliefs do you think showed the most promise?  How did the beliefs of each man change as their lives progressed?   Which do you think had more of an impact on the ultimate success of The Civil Rights Movement?  Do you think the movement was a success?  Offer an explanation on why you think the movement was a success or failure.   Provide a thorough discussion of the topics mentioned and include information from several of the sources provided,  cite those sources.

King – Letter from a Birmingham Jail

The Butler – Sit-In Scene

King – “I’ve Been to the Mountaintop”

Malcolm X Interview

Malcolm X – “Chickens Coming Home to Roost”

Program of the Organization of Afro-American Unity

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