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Your Task
1. Conduct a comparative audit on the gender equality status of two ASX200 companies.
2. Report your findings and give a recommendation on which company is the most gender
3. Imagine you are an ethical investment guru and give yourreport in a short podcast episode.
Assessment Description
The Australian Institute of Company Directors September – December 2018 Quarterly Report, Volume
14 is titled ‘30% by 2018: Gender diversity progress report’. It gives an update on the status of a
commitment to have 30% of women sitting on the Board of Directors of all the largest 200 Australian
Securities Exchange companies by 2018.
The report covers the summary of its findings, including useful infographics, which you can use to
select two case study companies. These two selected companies are going to be compared to find out
which one stands above the other in its commitment to gender equality within its workplace.
This assessment allows you to get into the details of what these influential companies are doing in such
an important space as gender equality, and diversity and inclusion. Savvy, future investors who want
to put their money into forward-thinking, ethical companies will love to tune into your podcast and hear
what your investment recommendations are!
Why a podcast and not just a written report?
This assessment prepares you for public speaking events, such as a work meeting, or a graduation
speech. Recording your voice only in a podcast, rather than a typical ‘presentation’, allows you to
concentrate on crucial speech elements such as grammar, pronunciation, tone, and speed of speech –
without also worrying about how you look!

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