Assessment One – Essay 2 BRIEF
Essay 2 (10%)
1. The question and requirements
This assessment task is to be undertaken individually.
It is designed to assess your problem‐solving skills, your capacity to source and analyse relevant information and your written communication skills.
Now that you have completed the empathy and wicked problem immersion phase of the subject you will notice that lectures and tutorials are moving on to issues of ideation and the framing of a business solution to address a need in the wicked problem space.
The share economy company you are developing for your group assignment due at the end of the semester will leverage on the experiences of a range of existing share economy businesses. In this 2nd short essay you have the opportunity to critically assess the process whereby one such business has sought to develop its value proposition with reference to the Business Model Canvas (BMC). This is important for your own group work as through engaging with the BMC you will for example begin to see how firms match up customer segments with their value proposition, whilst also appreciating the ways that a firms cost structure relate to revenue streams, resources and key partnerships etc.
You will notice as you begin to search on line for case study work to base this second essay on that there are no shortages of case studies, often in the form of blogs and other opinion pieces, which have sought to apply the BMC to Share Economy Businesses. You should feel free to tap into this existing material (always, however, with a critical eye to the veracity of the claims being made). In addition students should engage with information provided by their targeted company, along with relevant academic literature relating to the BMC and business feasibility.
While there will be no writing workshops provided for this assessment, there will be discussion boards on UTS Online.
Note: Your tutors will be expecting that the case study business you focus on will be a share economy business. It is important that this requirement is followed in that all share economy businesses have a
1 Note this word was written as company in your subject guide. This was a typo.
The Task
In your lectures and tutorials you have seen numerous examples of share economy businesses. Using one real world business1 as a case study discuss how the business model canvas approach can provide researchers with a framework for assessing the feasibility of a businesses’ design.

unique characteristic when applied to the BMC. That is that in contrast to many mainstream businesses share economy businesses actually have two market segments (the owner and the end consumer). Understanding the ways that businesses will structure their offerings to appeal to both these groups is an important outcome from this essay.
In preparing your response, you should:
a. justify the statements you are making by referring to sources of information you have independently researched;
b. provide examples to support your points;
c. refer to at least ten sources from valid and reputable published literature (n.b. this does not just
have to be academic literature);
d. present your references using the Harvard system of referencing;
e. limit your response to 1000 words – not including references (give or take 10%). The ability to
present your point of view within a prescribed number of words is an important skill which will be
assessed in this task; and,
f. edit your work prior to submitting it to ensure it is written with accurate grammatical structure,
spelling and punctuation.
You must submit your final work through Turnitin on UTS Online by April 17. Work will be assessed according to the criteria summarised in Table 1 (pto).
Some Suggested Readings
Business model canvas:
Berkers, F., Hendrix, G., Chatzicharistou, I., de Haas, T., & Hamera, D. (2010, October). To share or not to share?. In Intelligence in Next Generation Networks (ICIN), 2010 14th International Conference on (pp. 1-9). IEEE.
Krueger, N. F. (1993). The impact of prior entrepreneurial exposure on perceptions of new venture feasibility and desirability. Entrepreneurship theory and practice, 18(1), 5-21.
Osterwalder, A., Pigneur, Y., Oliveira, M. A. Y., & Ferreira, J. J. P. (2011). Business Model Generation: A handbook for visionaries, game changers and challengers. African Journal of Business Management, 5(7)……………………..

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