1. The purpose of the assignment is to assess your ability to implement simple interactions, shapes and objects using JavaScript and p5.js. Each Question should be submitted on L@G in a separate .js file (titled q1.js, q2.js etc.), but you do not need to submit html and css files. Some of the questions will require you to investigate some concepts outside of the lecture notes. Please make sure that all code that you submit is your own and is not taken/copied from anywhere else.

Kindly see the attached Assignment questions from last term and I will request you to do another assignment next week if any changes with the attached assignment questions that is from the previous semester. Kindly see the lectures notes and the instruction that please you have to use Brackets two write Java Script codes for Apple MacBook and VS (Visual Studio Code Editing) to check the code correct or note. Please see all the attached instructions and lecture notes and Java Script book.

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