Here is where you will provide background information for the paper. Begin by using your response from the Unit 6 Assignment to include your personal definition of autism spectrum disorder. Then, briefly summarize the case study and identify how this paper will help address Molly’s needs in communication, behavior, social/emotional, cognitive, and sensory-motor skills.
Communication Skills
Next, use this section to analyze how Molly’s communication skills can be addressed in the typical early childhood environment. Include specific examples of strategies and environmental supports that would be beneficial for Molly given her identified individual needs.
Behavior Skills
Then, analyze how Molly’s behavioral skills can be addressed in the typical early childhood environment. Include specific examples of strategies and environmental supports that would be beneficial for Molly given her identified individual needs.
Social/Emotional Skills
Next, analyze how Molly’s social/emotional skills can be addressed in the typical early childhood environment. Include specific examples of strategies and environmental supports that would be beneficial for Molly given her identified individual needs.

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