
  1. Evaluate the extent to which a manager needs to act as a change agent in a period of organisational transformation.
  2. Analyse the claim that developments in the global economy has resulted in an increased need for greater employment flexibility within organisations.
  3. It has been argued that organisational culture can be effectively managed and that not to do so could have significant negative implications on organisational performance.
  4. Assess the importance of retaining talented employees within an organisation.
  5. Critically analyse the role of both the manager and a leader in the identification of learning and developmental needs among the workforce.
  6. Critically consider the responsibilities and role of the line manager in relation to the motivation of employees.
  7. Evaluate the extent to which managers and leaders need to adopt an integrated approach to their management of employees’ performance.
  8. It is argued that employee stress and mental health issues are increasingly having a negative impact on organisational performance. Evaluate this claim in relation to the role of management and the responsibilities of the organisation’s leadership.
  9. Critically evaluate the importance of having strong organisational leadership in relation to organisational performance.
  10. Analyse the extent to which increased international competition has changed the nature and role of both management and leadership within modern organisations.

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