OCT2022-JAN2023 ASM553/ASSIGNMENT21 | P a g eADMINISTRATIVE OPERATION SYSTEMS (ASM553)ASSIGNMENT 2 – CASE STUDYMercu Lima is a medium-sized interior design company which located in Kelana Jaya,Selangor and it has been operated since 2016. This company had successfully managedvarious projects in Klang Valley areas. However, in the second quarter of 2019, the companywas experiencing a decrease in profits even though there were many projects. Mr. Terence,the Executive Vice President also noticed his employees’ performance and productivity havebecome unsatisfying recently.During a monthly meeting with the Administrative Office Manager and Designers team, MrTerence discovered a few issues in the Mercu Lima. Surprisingly, one of the reasons whichcontributes to low productivity among employees are poor lighting system and unclean airconditioning system which likely to cause eyestrain, fatigue, breathing difficulties, and so forth.Some of the employees felt that the chair and desk presently used do not support the user’sback in an upright position. An ergonomically designed chair is likely preferred for them to beable to produce more works over a longer period and at a higher quality. Specifically, thedesigner claimed that the desk does not fit to perform tasks such as drafting and designing. Anumber of employees complained that they have much more works to do than others who intheir respective work units.As more projects need to be handled in a given amount of time, most of the designers had towork extra hours without being paid equally. Furthermore, some of the designers werereluctant to do extra works as it is not part of their responsibility and job function. Besidesthat, there were some designers claimed that they did not get a clear direction, guidance, andexpectations of the project from the top management as well as the respected team. Due to thework overload, some designers had internal conflicts with their colleagues, emotional healthproblems, and family relations problems which, in turn, impacted negatively on theirmotivation and productivity.Due to the issues mentioned above in the design department, many projects were not completedon time and these led to a bad reputation to the Mercu Lima. As the Administrative Manager,you are greatly concerned about the situation and need to take a necessary action to solve theproblems which have occurred.1. Identify and explain one (1) technique that may be used when too much work to bedone in a given amount of time.(2 marks)2. Identify and explain the best process the company could do to ensure the successfulcompletion of a given project?(2 marks)OCT2022-JAN2023 ASM553/ASSIGNMENT22 | P a g e3. Explain any three (3) devices that can be used for supporting the above process.(6 marks)4. Determine and explain three (3) broad areas that can be improved to help Mercu Limaincrease its productivity. Provide an example of each area.(12 marks)5. Suggest four (4) techniques that can be practiced by Mercu Lima to help the employeesto be more motivated and thus increase their productivity. Provide an example of eachtechnique.(16 marks)6. Recommend three (3) techniques for conserving energy in the lighting system and three(3) techniques for conserving energy in the heating/cooling system.(6 marks)7. Describe three (3) factors that should be assessed in the selection of office furniture.(6 marks)END OF QUESTIONS

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