Scenario 1

It’s April 11, and a client named Terrence Johnson emailed you about his taxes. You have two clients with similar names: Terrence Johnson and Trevor Johnson. Unfortunately, you were thinking about Trevor’s return and told Terrence that .his. taxes were completed and electronically filed with the IRS. In addition, you told him that he would be getting a refund of $2,343.89. The bad news: you told Terrence the wrong information. Your firm found problems with Terrence’s return and you will need to file an extension. On top of that, your firm now estimates that Terrence will owe the IRS $3,927.90, and that he needs to pay this in two days to avoid penalties and interest. You must email him immediately to rectify the situation as best as possible. What do you say?

Writing Must Have :

· Explain your mistake what happened

· Explain what you are doing to fix this mistake (e.g. Are you filing extension for amendment)

· Explain what you are going to do to prevent these kind of mistakes again

· Sincere Apology

· Tone should be sincere too

· Mention key words if applicable like Child Tax Deductions, Exemptions Computer looks only key words while marking the exam.

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