Comprehension Questions
a. What does a disjunction assert?
b. What is the difference between an exclusive and a nonexclusive disjunction? Construct three examples of each kind.
c. Why must the conclusion of an argument that denies a disjunct be false if the disjunction is false too? Use examples to illustrate your answer.
d. When is affirming a disjunct valid? Give an example.
e. What is the symbolic form of denying a disjunct?
f. Are the premises in denying a disjunct dependent or independent? Explain, using an example.
g. What is an appeal to ignorance, and why is it a critical thinking mistake?
h. What is the red herring fallacy, and why is it a critical thinking mistake?
i. What is an exhaustive disjunction? Give two examples.
Construct five disjunctions that are true and exclusive but that a reasonable person would think are not exhaustive.