Fibonnaci (60 points)

The fibonacci function takes a single argument,n. The function recursively computes and returns the nth fibonacci number. The fibonacci function takes two arguments, i.e.fibonacci(n,depth). The function recursively computes and returns the nth fibonacci number.

Fibonacci numbers are defined by the following sequence:

N fib(N) 11 21 32 43 55 68

7 13 8 21 9 34 10 55 … …

Test (30 points)

The test function takes no arguments. Callingtest()executes a number of assertions that test that thefibonacci()function returns correct results for a number of representative or significant test cases. Your test function should test all bases cases plus at least two recursive cases.

Commenting/Style (10 points)

Your code will be examined for comments and style. This means that you should include reasonable comments in your code. You might comment and add a small description for each function you create. If there is a particularly comlex line of code, then you may comment that single line.Note:You must remove all comments andpassstatements that came with the template to receive full marks.

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