In order to complete this assignment you need to:
Plan, implement and evaluate a sequence of literacy learning experiences.
You will base the literacy experiences on the summative assessment of the focus child completed in assignment 2A.
Once you have implemented and evaluated the sequence of literacy experiences you will write a second summative assessment.
You will also provide a reflection on your own learning and teaching and your professional goals as a literacy educator.
You will be required to present a multimodal display of your literacy experiences or project and speak to this in an oral presentation at the Professional Learning Expo.
The presentation could be a slide show or poster presentation that includes examples of the integration of literacy into a series of planned experiences or a project with your focus child and other children.
The Expo Display:
Your display should showcase the child’s learning in a way that would encourage children, families and community members to engage with the documentation. It may be presented as a learning story that expresses what sparked the project, or series of experiences, the rationale, how it progressed and the child’s literacy learning over the period of the project/experiences. It should be no more than two posters OR 12 slides. THIS IS NOT JUST A DISPLAY OF YOUR SIX EXPERIENCES.
The display needs to include the following:
Final assessment of the child’s literacy learning.
The ways that literacy was used as a tool for investigation (e.g. books, internet resources) and as a resource for children’s representation and communication of new learning (e.g. writing and drawing materials).
The literacy learning focus in the project/experiences.
Pedagogies used.
Your display may include photos, examples of resources used, project books and children’s portfolios to share with others, however for this section lecturers will ONLY mark the two posters or the PowerPoint slide show used to document the children’s learning journey. Documentation should be presented professionally, and in a way, that provides the reader with a clear understanding the literacy learning focus and outcomes. Therefore, it should capture the essence of the project/experiences for children and families and be presented in a way that is accessible to families and respectful of children.