First Contact is short and sweet:

400 up to the 500 words. Due Wednesday, March 25. The idea here is to learn to think like a SF writer.

You have read (or listened to) “first contact” stories. Here is the scene. A large spaceship lands, but no doors are visible. YOU have been put in charge of what to do to prep for first contact. You have the resources of the world to draw on. What are you worried about? How will you keep things calm? How will you try to make contact with whatever comes out? How will you speak across whatever language divide to say whatever you want to say? What is the right thing to do? Should you show force? Should you show hospitality? How? What will you try to avoid. Good luck. It’s a tricky bit of business, the more you think about it, the less able you are to figure out what is the best course of action. Take me into your thoughts about what to do!

I look forward to seeing what you make of this odd assignment. Definitely, if you don’t have fun, you’re not doing it right.

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