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You have been employed as the new Marketing Manager for a company that wants to produce a new healthy breakfast cereal for the market. The company already makes high quality canned fruit and yoghurt.

The first step to look at is the current products already on the market (i.e. competitors). There are many brands of breakfast cereal on the Australian market.

1. From the cereals listed below by Sharpi (2020) as being the healthiest cereals in Australia, please choose any 3 for comparison for this assessment.

Uncle Toby’s Vita Brits

Jordan’s Low Sugar Granola

Sanitarium Wheetbix

Kelloggs Corn Flakes

Carman’s Original Fruit Free Muesli

2. You are to write a report to the CEO of the new cereal company to serve as a focus for the development of the new breakfast product. Your report format is all in 1.5 line spacing, size 12 Times New Roman, with a word count of 2,000 words and uploaded via Moodle as a word document. The report should follow the following format:

· Title page with student name as per CQU enrolment, student number, campus, name of your tutor, Unit code and name, and word count. Please do not add a CQU logo as the logo is only for official CQU correspondence. This page starts as p. i

· Executive Summary – one page maximum, include all the main findings here for the CEO so he/she does not have to read the entire report – p. ii

· Table of contents – p. iii

· Introduction – starts at page 1 as heading 1. Word count starts at the first word in the introduction.

· Body of the research – use numbered headings and sub-headings (based on the questions below) to make it easier to read and mark.

· Conclusion – word count stops at the last word of the conclusion.

· References.

3. Once you have chosen your 3 cereals, research the chosen cereals, their ingredients, contents, and their price, per 100 grams or one serve or similar, so a comparison can be made between products.

You can make a table to show your combined results and tables do not add to the word count.

Remember to include the references of where you found the information as one of the lines in your table.

Verify your results with at least two websites to eliminate bias.

Highlight any discrepancies that you find.

4. Based on your findings, determine and justify the target market most likely to purchase each breakfast product.

Remember that the purchaser might be different from the actual consumer/user of the product and if so, please give both.

Justify what characteristics, as used in Figure 2-3 on page 78 of your text, will further segment your target market.

5. Based on your research, draw up a positioning graph for all 3 products chosen. The name for each axis will be determined by the most important elements you found in your research.

6. Are there any brand equity management implications for any of the products?

7. Is there a gap in the market your new product can fill?

Explain the gap and what elements/ingredients and so forth your product will contain that fills that gap.

8. Justify who will be in your target market/s or market segment/s.

9. Choose a name for your new cereal product and justify the choice of name.

10. Design a logo (with a maximum of 3 colours to cut printing costs),

explain why the logo colours were chosen, and

explain the significance of the logo for your product and

create a slogan for your new breakfast cereal.

11. How will you package your product based on the needs of your target market?

Will it be individual serves for an on the go breakfast or as a family box and why?

Hint: refer back to your target market segmentation.

12. Justify your new cereal product’s Point Of Difference.

13. Based on your findings, would you recommend to the CEO that manufacturing of the new cereal product is justified? What further steps should be undertaken before manufacturing is commenced?

This is a challenging assessment where you need to include a lot of information but with a limited word count. Therefore you need to edit your work to only include the important elements and delete extra information that does not answer the questions asked, or is not concise in nature.

Reference: Sharpi, S. (2020). Healthiest Cereals In Australian Supermarkets (2020). Retrieved from: https://28bysamwood.com/blog/eating-healthy/healthiest-cereals-australia/

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