. The company product should not already have an established market presence in your chosen target countries.
Your report needs to address the following
1) Analyse the nature of the two marketing environments in which the company product or service will be targeted
2) Critically analyse the marketing and / or business implications arising for the company when it will enter in the two chosen markets
3) Recommend and justify market entry mode(s) for entering in each target market
Word indication for the whole assignment = 3000 +/- 10% (references and appendices are excluded from the word count)
Note: if you submit your work late you will be deducted 10 marks for each day of delay (e.g. 3 days of delay, 30 marks will be deducted).
The early stages of the assignment involve researching and evaluating the chosen markets.
For information on geographic markets access the following sources and download the relevant publications for analysis.
• Via the University e-library access MarketLine Advantage and download ‘Country Profiles’ for each of the countries.
• Via the web access ‘UK Trade and Investment’ agency, select ‘Export’, navigate to each of the country pages and download the ‘Doing Business In’ guides.
• The market entry mode(s) & strategy you suggest must be fully justified and supported by appropriate academic sources.
You are expected to use, and reference, other credible sources from the e-library and other on line resources. All the sources used must be credible i.e. they must come from a respected source.


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