You can’t participate unless you are there. Your assessment is also predominately based on what you can say you learned from the case discussion (and not the case per se).


You will write up prep-work and post-work for the 10 cases we will discuss in lecture. Your lowest two case mark will be dropped; your best eight will be retained. Because being present for and taking part in the case discussions is an important part of case learning, you will need to sign in every case day and this information will be passed on to your tutor.

Prior to the case, you need to write up a brief (250 word) discussion of the following points:

Analyse the one or two main issues or problems you see in the case

Explain how you would remedy the above issues or problems

You are recommend to use those above two dot-points as headings in your write up. This will be turned in on line by 11 pm the night before the case (e.g., Sunday). At the end of the case discussion, the lecturer will sum up the case and explain his motivations for using it. A strong recommendation is made to look at the textbook chapters for the topic and incorporate appropriate material from the textbook in your prep-work.


You then have until 11 pm Wednesday night to turn in a second piece of assessment for the case and this one will be marked. You are to include a cut and paste of the your prep-work at the first part of the document and then you write an additional 250 words to address the following issue:


From the discussion, what did you learn about the case or marketing in general? Tie in your initial position and use examples from the discussion to illustrate your learning.

Again, use the above dot-point as the headings in your write up. The tutor will mark this second document by first reading the prep-work and then the post work. Approximately one third the mark will come from the prep-work, and two thirds from the post work. However, you must turn in BOTH pre- and post-work to get ANY credit.


Marks are applied on two dimensions: appropriateness and originality. For an unoriginal case write up that largely addresses the summation of the lecturer at the end of the case, the typical range of marks will be 40 to 65 out of 100. Those answers that focus on case facts (knowledge) will get marks in the range of 40, but those that focus on higher level thinking skills like analysis or synthesis will get more marks, 60 or 65 respectively. To get marks above 65, one will have to show some originality.


The range of originality levels ranges from the lowest level, called “unoriginal”, and moves slightly up to “personalised” which can gain marks around 45 for knowledge-oriented answers and up to 90 for synthesis-oriented answers. The next level up is “unusual” which gives 50 marks for knowledge-oriented answers but synthesis-oriented work has a maximum mark of 100 marks plus an additional overall mark for the unit.


Late assessments: No extensions will be granted. Student who have not submitted the task prior to the deadline will be awarded a mark of 0 for the case except for situations in which an application for disruption of studies is made and approved.

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