You are a senior manager at a large-scale global company, having its multiple branches in different countries. You were selected as the regional manager for a recently acquired business at new location with the responsibility to transform this business location into the company’s strategic framework. You have successfully completed the task of transforming the local office into a global company’s latest business unit, developing required processes and training the staff accordingly. The new location is progressing at a predicted pace and the Board of Directors of your global company are very happy with your achievement. The local staff has adapted to the global procedures quicker than expected and the operations are running smoothly for the first few months.


Your local office is progressing and achieving its targets successfully until a serious incident took place. A very reputable client complained to the global company that your local office sales person tried to bribe him through expensive gifts during his visit and requested to accept the below standard product/service. The client warned the global company to terminate all business deals with your company if such incident is repeated. Your Global General Manager is very annoyed at you because he has been given warning by the Board of Directors. Upon inquiry it was revealed that your local sales team member followed the same unethical practices of old company to achieve his target, as there was no clear ethical policy defined for the local office. Although, the ethical standards of global company were shared with the staff, they did not take it seriously, considering it as another document to fulfill compliance requirement. While inquiring about the factors leading to this incident, you came to know from many team members that they have no idea what ethics framework is, and why they should follow the ethical standards at all times.


Your global company has asked you prepare a comprehensive report about the ethical health and development of your local business team. You are given certain broad guidelines to train your team in next three months and access their progress. You have to include all your efforts and outcomes in your comprehensive report.



Part – 1: Introduction of the company


You are required to provide the following information of the company in your report:

1.      Name of the company

2.      Industry in which the company operates

3.      Address and contact details of the company

4.      Brief overview of the newly acquired business and your responsibilities in your new role.

5.      Company Chart showing key departments and positions

6.      Departmental chart showing key positions and team details


Part – 2: Theoretical Concepts


Your CEO has asked the Global General Manager about your competence on leading and influencing ethical practices in your team. Subsequently, your GM has sent to you a questionnaire to be completed in three days time. You are required to provide evidence to the Global GM about your proficiency in the theoretical concepts pertaining to leading and influencing the ethical practices in the newly acquired business, by answering the following questions (Maximum word limit for each answer is 250 words):


2a. What you need to demonstrate throughout your personal dealings at all times when dealing with your team and while representing your organization to external stakeholders? From where you can source organizational ethical values and principles?

2b. What areas of ethics you may need to be developed and maintained? List the  activities you can use to develop and maintain expertise related to ethics and standards?

2c. What are the three types of complex ethical matters you may need to be able to interpret and provide accurate legislative and organisational advice to resolve?

2d. List at least six examples of the types of suspected unethical conduct required to be reported confidentially and promptly.

2e. How do we identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to ethical conduct in an organization? What is the role of industry, state, national and international trend analysis in the identification process?

2f. Identify and explain the various management and accountability structures within an organisation.

2g. Which policies and procedures in your organization may need to be developed and reviewed for ethical considerations? List at least 5 unethical conducts that needs to be addressed in these policies

2h. Which ethical standards can be used to develop and promote ethical decision making and policy setting frameworks?

2i. What should be the requirements for analysing and developing ethical breach management policies and procedures?

2j. Why is fostering dialogue about organisational values and ethics important and how can this be done? What are the skills required by a facilitator conducting formal workshops and training sessions?

2k. List three measures you could adopt to provide leadership, guidance and to empower people to address ethical issues.

2l. Outline the identification process for action for managers and staff regarding organisational patterns, trends and issues that require ethical consideration.

2m. What methods might you use to promote and support ethical and values-based behaviour through leadership programs?

2n. Describe national and international trends in the development of ethical organizations

2o. Describe frameworks for ethical decision making/problem solving and policy setting

2p. Explain organisational ethics, values and standards

2q. Outline the role of organisational codes of ethics/conduct

2r. Explain procedural fairness

2s. Outline procedures, strategies or protocols that can be used to identify and address unethical conduct

2t. Outline the legislative and regulatory context of the organization, as it relates to ethical work practices










PC 1.1







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PC 1.4



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Part 3:

Presentation – Embody and model ethical values

You decided to take the matter seriously and create a sense of urgency among your team members regarding the gravity of the situation. You have planned a formal workshop session for your team members where you will personally train them on Ethics values and standards of your global company.


You are also required to prepare a document having answers to the following 13 questions.

Moreover, you are required to prepare a presentation and deliver to your team members during demonstration session. The document needs to be distributed to the participants before presentation to ensure that they understand the concept and importance of ethical values and practices. You will be given the seating plan template where you will define the participants of your training session. Your presentation should also cover the following questions and have some videos relevant to the topic, real life industry practices and examples, and your personal examples of ethical practices.


Your presentation may have the following slides:

1 How one can demonstrate commitment to professionalism? PC 1.1
2 What are Ethical Values and Principles? PC 1.1
3 What are Ethical Values of your Global Company? PC 1.1
4 How one can consistently demonstrate commitment to ethical values and principles of the organization at all times in personal dealings within and on behalf of an organization? PC 1.1
5 Which areas of ethics and standards one can develop and maintain? PC 1.2
6 Which activities can be used to develop and maintain a high level of expertise related to ethics and standards? PC 1.2
7 Which organizations can guide a person regarding ethical practices? PC 1.2
8 What are complex ethical matters? PC 1.3
9 Which ethical matters may have complex legal or organisational outcomes? PC 1.3
10 How can one provide advice to resolve them according to legislative, industry codes of practice and organizational standards? PC 1.3
11 Which suspected unethical conducts should be reported? PC 1.4
12 How should one report suspected unethical conducts? PC 1.4
13 How can one encourage others to report suspected unethical conducts confidentially and promptly? PC 1.4


Part 4:

Briefing Presentation –  Embed ethical practice into the organization’s culture and processes

After your initial presentation on Ethical values, standards, and practices, the team is now more aware about their ethical responsibilities and right. Recently, your HR Manager noticed that a female team member is being constantly harassed by her supervisor. Upon inquiry, he found out that this is a routine matter and that nothing has been done to sort it out. He immediately discussed the matter with you. You believe that there were numerous ways in which this situation can be handled; however, you decided to call a management meeting in order to discuss this scenario and probable remedial actions to be taken.

In the meeting it was unanimously agreed that the organizational policies, procedures and plans needs to be revised to embed ethical practices into organization’s culture and processes. Moreover, it was also decided to brief whole organization about the changes and their expected outcomes to improve the organization’s culture.


You are required to take following actions and document them in the form of interim report. Once interim report is developed, you are required to present it to your team in the form of a briefing presentation so that all team members become aware of the ethical practices embedded into organization’s culture and processes:

1 Identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats related to ethical conduct within your organization PC 2.1
2 Develop strategies related to ethical conduct within your organization according to SWOT analysis above and current trends and industry practices PC 2.1
3 Conduct management and accountability structure analysis of your organization and document it in the interim report. PC 2.2
4 Develop strategies to bring continuous improvements to current management and accountability structure? PC 2.2
5 Use your leadership influence over the policies and procedures development & review process so they include and address ethical considerations. List the names of policies in your interim report which you have influenced. PC 2.3
6 Develop ‘Code of Ethics’ for your company as an example of ethical consideration policy and share it in the interim report to help your team understand how to include and address ethical considerations in policies and procedures. PC 2.3
7 Develop framework for ethical decision making and policy making in your organization, and share it in interim report. You may take guidance from any of the industry’s best practices including 5P framework for ethical decision making. PC 2.4
8 Share your method to promote the ethical framework for ethical decision making and policy making in future? PC 2.4
9 You need to analyze and develop organizational policies to check safe reporting of breaches of ethical conduct and provide evidence in this part. You also have to include questions you will consider while analyzing policies and procedures for safe reporting on breach of ethical considerations? PC 2.5
10 What remedial actions you will take in policies and procedures for breach of ethical conduct? PC 2.5



Part 5:

Role Play – Promote ethical leadership and decision making at all levels of the organization

After embedding the ethical practices in organization’s culture and procedures, and informing the team about changes in policies and procedures, you feel that ethical leadership should be promoted at all levels of the organization. You decided that more ethical breach situations should be discussed in detail among employees. After consulting your managers and HR team, you planned to conduct a role play. The basic purpose of this role play is to ensure that everyone from team is onboard regarding the ethical practices and how to handle ethical breach situations.



You are required to prepare a document answering following questions. Afterward, design a role play of 5 minutes defining an ethical breach situation and conduct along with your team, incorporating the following aspects:


a. How will foster an environment where you and all staff members may discuss on the importance of organizational values and ethics? PC 3.1
b. How will you create understanding and commitment with organizational standards among your team members? PC 3.1
c. How will you empower the employees through your leadership and guidance to address ethical issues arising within organization? PC 3.2
d. How will you identify ethical consideration related organizational patterns, trends and issues? PC 3.3
e. What will be your process of referring an ethical breach to management team? PC 3.3
f. What strategy you will adapt to promote and support leadership to encourage ethical and value-based behavior in organization PC 3.4

You will also have to practically direct this role play with the help of your team in simulated environment.



Part 6:

Progress Report -The ethical health and development of your local business team after three months


After practically embodying and modeling the ethical values, embedding ethical practice into the organization’s culture and processes, and promoting ethical leadership and decision making at all levels of the organization, you are confident about writing the report that the global company has asked you to submit within three months. You decided that the flow of your report will be focused towards highlighting the practical steps you have taken to fulfill the guidelines provided by the global company.


Your report may have the following format:





In this section, you may briefly describe:

·        The challenge faced by organization in terms of ethical corundum faced.

·        Brief explanation of steps taken during last three months.

·        Method for accessing their progress.

(Approx. 300-400 words)




Section 1: Embody and model ethical values


Here, the following information should be incorporated in the form of headings:


1- ) How did you demonstrate a commitment to the professionalism, ethical values and principles of the organization in personal dealings within and on behalf of the organization?


2- ) What steps were taken to develop and maintain a high level of expertise related to ethics and standards?

3- ) How did you interpret complex ethical matters?


4- ) What type of advice was provided to resolve these matters according to legislative, industry codes of practice and organizational standards?


5- ) What methods were used to encourage employees report suspected unethical conducts confidentially and promptly?

(Approx. 700-800 words)


Section 2: Embed ethical practice into the organization’s culture and processes:


This section should comprise of the following headings:


1- ) How did you identify strengths, weaknesses and threats to ethical conduct in the organization through analysis of industry, state, national and international trends?


2- ) What strategies were employed to act on these trends while keeping in mind the enterprise and industry practices?


3- ) How did you analyse management and accountability structures in the organisation?

4- ) What type of strategies were implemented to ensure continuous improvement in both management and accountability structures?


5- ) How did you influence the development and review of policies and procedures to include and address ethical considerations?


6- ) How did you develop and promote frameworks for ethical decision-making and policy setting?


7- ) How did you analyse and develop policies and procedures to allow individuals to safely report breaches of ethical conduct and for remedying breaches of ethical conduct

(Approx. 700-800 words)



Section 3: Promote ethical leadership and decision making at all levels of the organization


This section should include the following headings:

1- ) How did you foster dialogue on organisational values and ethics with and between staff to develop a strong understanding of and commitment to organisational standards?


2- ) What were some the ways through which you provided leadership and guidance to empower individuals and the organisation to address ethical issues?


3- ) Which methods were used to identify and refer organisational patterns, trends and issues that require ethical consideration by managers and staff for action?


4- ) How did you promote and support leadership programs that promote ethical and values-based behaviour according to organisational requirements and the individual needs and capabilities of staff?

(Approx. 700-800 words)





























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PC 2.5








PC 3.1



PC 3.2



PC 3.3



PC 3.4

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