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Hasbro, Inc. has decided to step in and take charge of cementing their position in the market of rebooting classic toys for a new, younger audience. Their hope is to tap in to the nostalgia of older generations who will want their children to enjoy the toys that shaped and defined their own childhood. The Research and Development team have determined to focus on the revamping and revitalizing of the Pet Rock. Dubbing it Pet Rock 2.0, it will re-imagine this classic 1975 toy to include a chic plastic “pet carrier” case that can be individualized by using permanent markers, and will encourage owners to download the Pet Rock 2.0 App that will allow children to keep track of “vitals”, upload videos capturing the fun adventures they have with their “pet,” blog about their experiences, and join discussion groups focused on tips and tricks to raising their pet. Additionally, accessories like miniature vehicles, doll houses, and even clothing are part of the planned follow up to the marketing campaign. You have been assigned the job of putting together the first message announcing the Pet Rock 2.0 to the public by using some social media platform. Remember to use the AIDA Method!

(Be inventive with this task, but please do not create a real social media posting, but please mimic one or make it appear as close to it as possible

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